How You Can Write 7 Blog Post a Week While Running Your Company

How You Can Write 7 Blog Post a Week While Running Your Company
Here’s some food for thought – You are never going to succeed at content marketing if you cannot find the time to regularly create content. In a nutshell, what this means is that you need to learn how you can streamline your content creation – create 7 blogs a week and still run your company.
Here’s the good news – It’s not nearly as difficult as you might think. I’m going to share how I created a content creation process that works very well, while still running my company. I’m going to share how you can write 7 blog posts each and every week, and post them all through the week. Let’s get started.

Business List

Step 1 – Start by Generating a List of Possible Topics You Can Use
The very first thing you need to do is to take some time to find topics that you want to write on. If you aren’t quite sure what topics you want to write on, find successful blogs that are in your genre and see what type of content they are using and keep that in mind when you are thinking up your topics.
There are a few ways you can find blogs in your niche. You can search by keywords in Google or other search engines, you can open the highest social share posts; but one of the most popular tools is a site called “Quick Sprout Make Better Content.” You put in the URL of your competitor’s blog and the site will create a list of results for you with titles and sorted by highest shares.
You can then have a look at the blog posts and get to work. You now know what’s drawing the most interest. You can take what the competition has written read that was popular and doing well, and create your own content based on that. Read their blog post, take the information you’ve read and create your own version of that content. Sometimes one post has so much information that you can get more than one new blog post out of the material you have written.
Step 2 – It is Time to Create Your Outline
Once you know what you are going to write on, create an outline. The outline should contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. It’s time for you to create your introduction as well as your conclusion. While not everyone uses this method, I recommend it because it gives you a frame to write within. Remember, you can edit and tweak these later. Let’s briefly look at the three parts.

  • Introduction – Your introduction is no more than a couple of paragraphs. It is designed to tell your readers what they will learn by reading your post. It needs to be captivating and persuasive so that your readers stick around to read the entire post.
  • Body – In this step you are just going to make a list of three or four main points that you are going to cover in the article.
  • Conclusion – This is a summary of what your reader has learned in the article with a closing that brings your article to an end.
    Time limit: Limit the time you spend creating your outline to no more than thirty minutes. If you find it’s taking you longer than that, then the topics you are choosing aren’t ones that you have adequate knowledge in.

writing a post

Step 3 – Write
You have your outline in place, now it’s time to begin to write your post.
You will find blogs and articles that tell you to spin the title and spin the content to quickly get new content within a few minutes, but I’m warning you that doing so can get you into a world of hurt with the search engines, especially Google. If they discover you have duplicate content they will likely penalize your site and that will affect your rankings in the search engines. In addition, your customers are looking for unique and interesting content. The only reason you are looking at the competition is to find out what’s popular and to save yourself some research time by reading what they’ve written.
When you are writing your article, keep a few things in mind:
Create a conversation – In your article use words that engage your reader. ‘You’ is an excellent word to draw your reader in. Remember you want to create a solid conversation that will have your reader hooked, wanting to read the entire article.
Use solid data – Writing opinions is good, it has a place in writing, but including facts is much better. As you make points throughout your article, refer to stats that back what you are saying. If you do this you are going to generate more traffic to your blog/site.
If you want sophistication in your writing, write simply – Forget the big words that readers that make you sound smart and sophisticated. All they do is frustrate many of your readers. If you want to be sophisticated the best thing you can do is writer using simple language. In fact, the experts say you should keep you your message at a 5th grader level. When you write simple it is much easier to convey your message.
No more than 1500 words – It’s easy to get carried away and find yourself with this wonderful article that’s maybe 2000+ words packed with all kinds of great information. While the search engines might love more content, the trouble is your readers have short attention spans, and experts have found that that your readers are more likely to read shorter content. You want to engage readers so you need to meet them where they are at.
When you write your draft and your thoughts are flowing, don’t worry about fixing errors, because when you try to correct things while you are writing it stops the flow of thoughts. Instead, after you are done, you will be re-reading your article and that’s when you edit, correct errors, and make changes.
If you are going to add any pictures now is the time to do so. Remember, pictures are copyrighted so you can’t just grab any picture from online. Use your own photos, buy photos online, or pay a subscription to one of the services that provide you with hundreds even thousands of images you can use.
Step 4 – It Is Time to Schedule
Schedule your posts where you are going to print them, whether that’s your blog, your website, or one of the article banks. Set up a schedule that you will use each week. There is tons of research online that has figured out when the best time to post is. Of course, it depends to where you are posting. Have a look at this research and make use of it to maximize your traffic flow to your post.
Streamlining your content creation process isn’t actually all that difficult. Start by deciding how many times a week you want to publish your content and stick to it. Writing 7 posts a week means you can have new content every day of the week.
You should always have a dozen or so extra posts kicking around. Write these when you have a few extra minutes. Perhaps, when the writing of one of your posts goes easy, use the left over time you have available to write another post. You want these backup posts because there are going to be times when things don’t work out and you don’t have time to write the necessary post.
Something that works well for me, is to put aside two evenings to write all off my articles for the week. It allows me to get into the mood for writing and keep my momentum going. One last thing – as a business owner you are busy!! Likely real busy! So one very simple option for you to have the 7 articles you need every week is simply to hire a qualified freelance writer.

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