Your Facebook Live Strategy Needs Help.

Oh, Facebook Live. It’s such an awesome tool that many utilize. But, why is it that some pull in a ton of views and others do not?  The process is rather simple, and many of us over-complicate our Facebook Live videos. The simpler, the better, and the more authentic the attractive figure, the better the response.

So, what do we suggest to our clients, and to you?


Be Alert and Alive!

Nothing is worse for a viewer than a Facebook Live where the attractive character is not interested in what he’s talking about. It’s a major turnoff – and it makes your page (and business) look less than attractive. Find someone who is dedicated to your cause, and in the meantime, don’t be afraid to hop on Facebook Live yourself.


Show Them How It’s Done

If you are marketing a product or service, why not show it off? Whether it’s a superfood powder, a car jack, or accounting software, a demo can do wonders. It allows the viewer to become familiar with the product and it allows you to show WHY they need it – whatever “it” is.

This is great for those who are camera shy! It allows you to focus on something other than the camera… and we all know how nerve-wrecking that can be.

This is also good to piggyback off of a Q&A session, or vice versa. Few will blindly buy a product, but by showing off the real, live thing, it gets more interest and marketability.

Be Relevant

What’s the oddest Facebook Live video you have seen? For me, the ones that stick out are the oddball videos; videos that have nothing at all to do with the page or product itself.

If you have a healthcare page, a video focusing on the perfect pair of jeans probably will not garner the organic traffic that it would if it were healthcare-focused. Videos that are in your niche get the best viewership and gain the most organic traffic, so stick to what you (hopefully) know.

Also, know your facts. Know updated facts, more specifically. It doesn’t help if you mention a law, a study, or a nutritional fact that has since been overruled by a more recent study.

Interview Relevant Guests

This is where is get fun for many: interviewing! Okay, so maybe not for everyone, but when you are interviewing a relevant guest, you gain clout. It also takes the focus off you, so if you are camera shy this is a big plus.


Interviews do not have to be on Facebook Live; they can be pre-recorded easily and uploaded at the time of your choosing. You can also add a funnel to this content, in order to get more views to your product page or campaign. The more views and shares, the more who have your funnel and product in their hands.

Giveaway Time!

This may be one of the most overthought aspects of going live. A giveaway doesn’t have to be huge – it just needs to be relevant to your cause or brand. Amazon has a ton of wishlist ideas for different subjects here.  It doesn’t have to be an expensive prize, either.

A giveaway done via Facebook Live is great! It gets you viewers, shares, like, comments… everything you need to have a bigger reach. You can announce the giveaway via the live video, or announce the winner. It’s totally up to you – but our research shows that this is a great way to get traffic.

Listen & Respond

On the topic of being alert and alive, host a Q&A sesh! It doesn’t have to be off the cuff; in fact, post a day or two in advance a graphic asking your audience to submit questions for you. Because

It gets you the questions you need

It gets your audience involved

It tells them when to tune in!

This also helps you prepare your answers. However, don’t sound too scripted! Facebook Live videos have questions that pop up from viewers, and the attractive character ignores them. Why? It’s another turn off for viewers. Always do your best to answer questions, and if you aren’t the greatest at off the cuff answers, respond on the video that you will get back to them ASAP, and type the answer as a reply to their comment after the video is published.

Stay Steady

Reoccurring shows are great. Not only do you get a devoted viewership base that knows when you are on, but it also helps you look dedicated to your cause or brand. You can choose the best time to schedule your reoccuring broadcasts by looking at your Facebook Insights to see the best viewership time. Times vary per page, so just because a competition page does live every Friday at 3pm EST doesn’t mean that you will have the same viewership.


Use these shows to host giveaways, Q&A sessions, product demos, or just sit and chat for a while. Promote your sponsors, and if you have any page fans that are always commenting and are just plain awesome, give him or her a shout out!

Facebook will also let you turn your reoccurring videos into events, and those fans who have notifications set will be alerted to the upcoming lives.

Live From New York… 

Okay, so maybe not from New York, but you can do a live broadcast from nearly anywhere (as long as the event or location allows it). This is great for creating buzz around an event, or even a new product that you’ve found and want to share it live. A live broadcast doesn’t have to be glossy; it needs to be real. Background noise will happen, so don’t worry! Go live at industry events you attend, or even if you see a cool new product in store. If you see your cool new product in store, even better!

What’s your Facebook Live strategy? How often do you go live? Let us know! 

Heidi Stephens
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Heidi Stephens

Lead Content Writer at D4Y Brand Builder
Researcher, writer, lover of all the cats.
Heidi Stephens
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